Thursday, June 26, 2008

Take it! Take anothah little piece of my heart, baybee! Break it! Break another little piece, dahling! You know you got it if it makes you feel good!

Gah! My brain feels like mush! Today was a double-doser for the double-shotter. This might end up sounding like verbal vomiting, I'm still trying to process everything that has happened within the past two days (with Les Mis playing in the background...hmmm 'Lovely Ladies' might be too distracting for writing...). So, yesterday we worked on inking our diary comics, backgrounds, and then self-portraits with backgrounds(At least that's what I THINK we did, my days are melting together and my schedule is in an unreachable place(aka not sitting right in front of me on the bed)) . Drawing my self-portrait unfortunately managed to throw me into such a existential state. I feel so sucky at this whole thing. I mean even 16 and 17 year-olds were kicking my butt at it. I think we can cross artist off the list of things I can do.

AnYwAyZ (will NOT be emo about my lack of talent!)... One of the coolest parts of the school is actually the Schulz Library which has been open for us after the class day ends. While small in space I find it extremely impressive the amount of books and anthologies they have dedicated purely to comics. It's pretty awesome! I've gone back everyday to keep reading chunks of Jessica Abel's "La Perdida" (something I wouldn't have to do had Matt actually put my order in!!!) and to take a look at some of the local stuff.

Afterwards, we had a BBQ on the deck of the Museum here. I will not discuss the food since I still remain shocked to find that there are some people who don't make "hamburgers and hot dogs" synonymous with BBQ. The Museum was such a trip! Imagine if you will collecting everything you EVER found that existed pre-90s and putting it in a room, now add old books, several large Moose heads, Goat heads, etc. That's what it was like. It was AWESOME! I mean it's literally one of those places that you only HEAR about old men keeping hidden away somewhere. If I had any writing skill I would absolutely write a story about that place. To add to the charm, after dinner there were a couple of bands that played in the space. Here I was thinking "Man, how cool is that? Get some rock going in this place that's so eccentric! How hardcore!" aaaaaaannnnnd then... noise. Just noise. No rock. JUST noise. They're called noise bands. That's their purpose. I almost cried. Not to say that they don't deserve to be able to rock out in any way they see fit, just... I wanted the rock so bad!! I got over it quickly.

Last night was actually super awesome though, after we all got back from chilling at the Museum we hankered down in the lounge and we all just sat down and made comics together. I mean, we were all working on different stuff but it was so chill just to be in this community of people and be able to feel part of this support group. I dunno, saying it like that makes it seem like a recovery group or something, but it felt really great just to be in an energy-flowing place with each of us just fueling each other.

That's exactly how I felt about the Seniors in the Lit Dep't last semester. I'm totally dreading the feeling of this next year just being gone without my group of peers. Not to mention my two Theatre Mentors are also going on Sabbatical for the whole year. As if I don't feel like I'm already walking the DPA tightrope now I'm going to be doing so without a safety net...grrrreeaaat. I seriously get palpitations just thinking about it. Anyways, that was completely off topic, but let's face it, my Senior year is gonna be a massive test of who I am and what I'm truly made of. Let's hope I don't fail.

I totally have ALLLLL of today to talk about, but it was SO AWESOME I don't have enough energy to tell it correctly. Stay tuned for Round Trois of the Awesomeness! It'll blind you with the Pure Awesomeness!!


P.S. Something to chew on...