Thursday, July 3, 2008

Follow the windsong, Follow the light in young lover's eyes, up through the river, down through the gutter, where the truth lies

ANNND many loops around Oxford City proper later...

After a tremendously long nap yesterday I decided to skip into the city for a bit only to find out that all of the shops close frightfully early. However that just meant I got to the Guest House prior to nightfall which is perfectly okay. I tried to force myself awake until 10pm but found myself sound asleep by around 9:30ish. The good thing is I was able to sleep almost until 6, take more Sudafed (of which I have been taking every 4 hours like clockwork) and zonk out again until 8. I could've slept much longer but decided to actually have breakfast for once in my life. Well, breakfast that isn't coffee. I know right now everyone is shocked that I was able to stay awake after getting up at an ungodly hour (8 in my world is ungodly), but I did! After taking the bus to and from Oxford to Headington last night I ascertained that the travel is basically a straight shot so I walked my way into the city this morning which made for a very nice, very LEISURELY walk. I know, leisurely. Up until today I forgot that that particular word even existed in my vocabulary. After today I will again.

In the city I scoped out some of the big spots I had either been told about or read about and then wandered onto a city tour bus. I figured why not? Since at least for today I am not a student here but a tourist. It was not great, and I was very annoyed that though they advertised a "Live Guide" it turned out to be an audio guide, which is not nearly as entertaining or exact. Whatever, it still provided a base of knowledge and I got my moneys worth by getting on and off as much as I pleased stopping off at Christ Church/Alice's Shop, St. Anne's, the Bodleian, and The High. I ended my own tour at Blackwell's managing to enjoy the brief hour or so I could take to just read a book with no deadlines and no bothers.

In the afternoon I met with Prof. Wenthe (who has been working on his own book in the UK) who took me out for Tea at the Rose Tea Room and then gave me his own thorough walking tour of Oxford which included the beautiful grounds of Trinity college (he's got the hook-up). It was great to be able to see a familiar face since I have felt very lost about here. I realize I'm not at all, but just because I act grown-up does NOT mean I feel it.

I am being told now the computer lab has to restart their ethernet and I'm about to be booted (at least I don't have to pay!). Wish me luck since I am going to be re-auditioning my Volumnia tomorrow and I need to make double, triple, quadruple sure that my Sonnet memorization is up to snuff lest some words try to escape me tomorrow. Enter sense of inadequacy.

Here's hoping the nausea passes,

PS I'm ticked I can't post pictures anymore, the blogs look so boring by themselves!!