Saturday, August 9, 2008

Here's to the Ladies Who Lunch...everybody laugh

Well, that brilliant idea went right out the window. So instead of rehashing 6 weeks of my life I'll just re-cap my last 48 hours, for...whatever purpose.
In Edinburgh now, rained out and catching my death of cold, pretty sure my brilliant idea of sandals for footwear equals a not so brilliant idea(brilliant is my new word, just to keep the record straight). Me 'n' my pal, Kristen have been spending our nights with 38 other people in our room at night and our days either in lines for tickets for shows or actually attending them. So far between yesterday and today we've managed to see: 2 straight plays, 2 musicals, 1 dance/physical theatre, and 1 cabaret. Not a bad use of money if I do say so myself. I think between the two of us we could officially compile a massive list of contemporary plays to see/read...and even provide you copies to read. We've both had to purchase new bags simply for our books *sigh*. I'm always flumoxed when merchants ask me if I would like a receipt...for what? A continual reminder that all of my money is being spent on books, coffee, and alcohol? No thanks, I'm good. I really wish I had more time to spend in Scotland, it's absolutely gorgeous here in fact our hostel is right across from Edinburgh Castle, not a bad view really, now if I can get the crazy drunken Irish teenagers to shut up after 11 life would be peachy-keen.
I would say I'm glad to be going back to DC, but nothing could be further from the truth. I found an amazing group of friends here and now we're all shuffling off to all of our own corners of the world. They have seriously been just the greatest friends I could have found (particularly after being on campus for no more than two minutes). I do, however, have faith that there will be much future communication. On top of that there's impending doom of the end of my college career...yargh. Why can't I just pull a Trofimov and be the eternal student? That's not a bad rub really. And of course there's the whole unpacking just to re-pack thing...fuuuun. I'm so over carrying bags, I need to employ a big buff guy named Chad to carry them for me. Or I guess a big butch woman named Helga, I'm not sexist after all...just somebody else do it please! After lugging my 80 pound bag full of books up 8 flights of stairs, I'm over it. Also rain= much better than humidity. Urgh. Anyways, I suppose after awhile we all must accept responsibility for our own stuff always that's what I'm gonna do. I'll drink to that.


Unknown said...

I was in Fantom today. You like Les Miserables? I will trade you an early 1900s copy (I think 1902), for an inking lesson, (if you use nib pens). If not, that's cool see you around.