Sunday, January 18, 2009

I'm gonna find me a brand new shade of man, kiss you off for a custom shine, it's why I ain't just kissing you I'm kissing you off

As I lay dying...I mean drawing, I have compiled a list of my favorite music videos that I rotate around as I draw. You know me (or maybe you don't?) but I need to have a million things going on at the same time. I'm also currently watching "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington", appropriately given the feeling that there are about 4 million "Mr. Smiths" descending on our nations capital as we speak. No joke. My friend and I went to a show today and what should have been a 15 minute drive home became an hour and a half drive home. 

I've been extremely productive with my comic and feel like I'm in a good place. Finishing up tight pencils tonight on one story and hope to start inking so I can post it up here and get feedback. As long as I can start generating other ideas for the 3 other stories I plan to include then I won't feel completely panicked. I've been in such a state of panic about what to do post-college (from now on will be referred to as PC) that I haven't really slept and have been sick to the stomach thinking about it. My housemate has said she's gonna rasterbate the  Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy "Don't Panic" image for me so I can stick it on my ceiling. 

The plan is to have comics from this past year, and hopefully the new story, up on this site by tomorrow night. Here's hoping!